Why Does This Blog Exist?

This blog exists because of one simple fact:

NIPSCO is horrible to it's customers

it's not the massive amounts of pollution they put out.. most Hoosiers kind of turn a blind eye..

it's not that it can sometimes take them days to get you hooked back up after just a wind storm.. Hoosiers are farmers, cool headed, and tend to be patient by nature.

It's not that prices keep going up from NIPSCO because they let the innovation curve pass them by while their collected checks for decades, estimating bills to their benefit and otherwise jerking people around...Hoosiers are resilient, forgiving and charitable...

It all came down to one thing.. NIPSCO treat these blind eye turning, patient, resilient, forgiving charitable people like infants, and abuse their position out of what appears to be greed and indifference.
A few months ago I was having problems with a simple task I paid NIPSCO to accomplish. It turned into a 9 month fiasco, with buried and forgotten work orders, triple measuring, hysterical engineers yanking people off the job site for issues their office OK'd, and bureaucratic ass covering of a cowardly magnitude. I gave serious thought to suing.
When I started to mention these issues to my friends, I learned that many of them had similar stories, stories of things that could have gone right with NIPSCO, but went horribly wrong. NIPSCO turning their power off with hardly a warning, NIPSCO playing with their bills, NIPSCO keeping them on hold for an hour. It turns out the major employer in my county want's to go off grid, a huge endeavor, just to not deal with NIPSCO's incompetence anymore.
When I spoke to NIPSCO employees, they would tell me internal stories as bleak as the customer service ones I was encountering.. it made me angry.. it made me realize that NIPSCO was abusing it's position as a monopoly, was filled with incompetence, and was unlikely to change anytime soon. It seemed like exactly the kinds of bureaucratic inertia and backwardness that is making so many people feel like they need to give up on America, like the system was broken, and if such an important thing as the electric utility can seem broken, it does start to feel like 'the whole damn system is breaking.
Instead of suing, I started this blog.
I started this blog to vent, and hope to give others the opportunity to vent also.

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